February 5, 2021
“Yes, folks, it’s “Bad Reputation” by Thin Lizzy. One of the best original rock bands of all time, no discussion needed. Back in 1977 Tony Reno (or original drummer) asked if I wanted to go and see Thin Lizzy at Gröna Lund in Stockholm and I didn’t really know much about them, except that Tony’s brother had played me a couple of songs from the “Jailbreak” album which I thought sounded really good, so along we went.
I will never forget the excitement when they started the intro to “Soldier of Fortune”, it just sounded amazing and to hear those songs live for the first time as such a young age was an incredible experience. Phil Lynott’s stage presence and unique voice just totally blew me away (RIP, Phil). So if you haven’t heard “Bad Reputation” yet, go and get it now!” /John Norum
Friends, Friday Nights are here again and it is time for another edition of “Friday Nights with Europe the band – Favorite Albums”. This week we have John Norum’s choice of album… and as many of you guessed from Wednesday’s clue, the album is Thin Lizzy’s “Bad Reputation”. You guys continue to be amazing at figuring out these clues! John took the time to pick out some of his favorite tracks on that album… check them out!
John’s choices are: “Opium Trail” https://youtu.be/8n5RYRpXgFA, “Killer Without a Cause” https://youtu.be/kvbsNc4tVkw and “Bad Reputation” https://youtu.be/JmLt5ubN3jg //Europe

February 3, 2021
John Norum’s back this week for our “Friday Nights with Europe the band – Favorite Albums” slot with his clue below to another classic disc that excited and influenced. Check back on Friday at 7 PM UK and 8 PM CET and all will be revealed as to the band and album in question. Good luck with your guesses!
Stay safe & well, // Europe